Massabesic Middle School Spring Athletics Announcements
Massabesic Middle School Spring Athletics begin on April 4th. Registrations are open through REVTRAK at RSU 57 offers the following spring athletic teams.
7th and 8th grade Baseball
7th and 8th grade Softball
7th and 8th grade Girls Lacrosse
7th and 8th grade Boys Lacrosse.
Boys and Girls Outdoor Track grades 6-8.
MMS Spring Sports Informational ZOOM
There will be an informational ZOOM for all MMS Spring athletes and a parent or guardian on Monday 3-28 at 6pm. The link for this meeting is
All students interested in participating must have the following eligibility requirements in place:
Current Physical On File with MMS Nurse Jennifer Dorr
Proof of Insurance- required to register
Activity Fee- required to register
Academic- Must be passing all classes
Clearance from previous injury
Impact Test- Required each year for Middle schools students. (Can be taken at home)
Impact Test Information:
Enter the MCMI Customer Code E77BF97333 (not case sensitive) and then click “VALIDATE”.
*Any athlete who has taken an impact test this year for MMS sports does not need to do another test.
MMS Activities Department Contact Information
RSU 57 Activities Director- Brendan Scully
MMS Athletic Liaison- Mathew Pelletier
MMS Nurse- Jennifer Dorr
MMS Athletic Trainer- Bayley Pendleton
If you have any questions please contact the Activities Director @ 247-3141 ext 2216.