REVTRAK has re-opened for Fall Sports registrations. All students must be registered and cleared through the school nurse and the athletic office to be eligible to participate. All MHS fall athletes require the following in order to begin practicing on August 19th.
1. Registration on REVTRAK
2. Current Physical (two years) on file with Mrs. Sobanik our school nurse
3. Proof of Insurance
4. Passed all Semester 2 courses. (Not required for incoming Freshman)
5. Current IMPACT Test.
IMPACT Testing Information
All MMS Athletes require an annual IPMACT Test. All MHS 9th graders playing a fall sport are required to test and all upperclassmen need to have a current test (2 years) on file with our trainers.
Emily Nicholson is our AT at MHS.
Nate Colpitts is our AT at MMS.
IMPACT Testing for MHS / MMS is offered in the MHS Library on the following dates.
MHS Fall Athletes testing will be held Monday, Aug 12th from 2-5pm and Wednesday, Aug 14th 9am-12pm
MMS Fall IMPACT testing will be offered Aug, 26th, 27th , 29th 3-6pm.
*All testing will happen in the MHS Library. No testing at MMS.
Coach Contact for Team / Practice Information
*MMS Practices do not begin until school starts. Practice information will be shared at the beginning of school. Practices run 2 - 4pm M - F.
MHS Girls Soccer- Rusty Blackington
MHS Boys Soccer- Alan Curtis
MHS Boys and Girls Cross Country- Jennifer Blair
MHS Field Hockey- Michele Martin-Moore
MHS Football- Eric Ouellette
MHS Fall Cheering- Samantha Tanguay
MHS Volleyball- Melissa Daigneault
MHS Golf- Scott Carbone
MHS Practices begin August 19th. Please make sure to register soon in order to be cleared for your first practice. Last minute registrations will make that difficult. See you on the 19th!!