Massabesic High School Athletic Events Friday 4-9 to Saturday 4-17
Saturday 4-10
MHS Girls Lacrosse vs York 10am V
MHS Boys Lacrosse Home vs York 2pm V / 2:30pm JV
MHS Softball @ Thornton Academy. 1pm vs TA / 3pm V Marshwood
Monday 4-12
MHS Baseball Home vs Bonny Eagle 4pm JV and Varsity
MHS Boys Lacrosse Home vs Biddeford 4:30pm V / 6pm JV
Tuesday 4-13
MHS Varsity Girls Lacrosse Home vs Kennebunk Varsity Only 4:30pm
Wednesday 4-14
MHS Softball Home vs Portland. Varsity only 4pm
MHS Varsity Baseball @ Portland Varsity only 4pm
MHS JV Baseball Home vs Portland JV 4pm
Thursday 4-15
Friday 4-16
MHS Softball Home vs Wells Varsity Only 4pm
Saturday 4-17
MHS Varsity Softball at South Portland. Game Times TBD
MHS JV Softball at Biddeford (Rotary Park) 9am
Belated Congrats to Girls Swim
Congratulations to our MHS Girls Swimmers who finished second in the Southwestern virtual meet this year and won each of their individual meets this season. Great job Coach Chamberlain and all or our Girls!
Spring Sports registrations at MMS and MHS are open. In order for us to determine several logistical concerns we need to know how many athletes will be participating at each school. Please register on REVTRAK ASAP!!!.
IMPACT TESTS- Concussion Baseline
All athletes must have a current Impact Baseline test on file. There is a link to do baseline tests at home this year. MMS athletes require a new Impact test each year. MHS Athletes require a test their 9th and 11th grade years or if they have not had one in two years or have never had one.
The instructions for doing the impact test are at the following link.
All athletes at MMS and MHS must have current physicals on file with our school nurse. Physicals are good for 2 years. All who have registered as of today have been contacted if a physical is needed.
MMS Nurse- Jennifer Dorr.
MHS Nurse- Nancy Sobanik.