RSU 57 Athletic Events Monday 1-31 to Saturday 2-5
Monday 1-31
MHS JV and V Girls Basketball @ Gorham 5pm / 6:30pm
MHS Boys Basketball vs Gorham 4pm/5:30/7
Tuesday 2-1
MHS Girls Basketball vs Thornton Academy 5pm / 6:30pm
MHS Boys Basketball @ Thornton Academy 4:30pm / 6 / 7:30
Thursday 2-3
MHS Boys Basketball @ Scarborough 4pm / 5:30 / 7
MHS Girls Basketball vs Scarborough 5pm / 6:30pm
Girls Ice Hockey @ Portland (Troubh) TBD
Friday 2-4
MHS Boys Basketball vs Cheverus 4pm/5:30/7
MHS JV and V Girls Basketball @ Cheverus 5pm / 6:30pm
MHS Swim vs Gorham (Sanford YMCA) 5:30 WU / 6pm Swim
Saturday 2-5
MHS Indoor Track and Field @ USM (BE, TA, West, Bidd) 8:30am
BOOM Ice Hockey vs Windham / Westbrook BIA 6:50pm
Cheering Regional Championships @ Lewiston HS TBD
Mustang Wrestling Invitational @ MHS 8am WI / 9am Wrestle
Congratulations Coach D!
Congratulations to coach Rick Derosier, our wrestling head coach, on his 200th victory this season. Coach D has been our head coach for 15 years and 200 wins in that time frame is legendary! Thank you Coach D for everything you have done for our wrestlers!
Athletes who test positive for Covid 19 must complete a return to play protocol to ensure their health and safety as they return to sports. RSU 57 is contracted with Southern Maine Health Care for athletic training services and we follow the policies of Maine Health as do most of our league schools. In order to begin the Return To Play or RTP, students must receive doctors clearance to do so. Currently the RTP is a gradual increase in physical activity that takes 7 days. This is nothing new and what we have been doing with positive cases since the onset of the pandemic.
IMPACT TESTS- Concussion Baseline
All incoming 9th grade students for school year 21-22 must have a new impact test completed for fall sports upon entering high school.
All athletes must have a current Impact Baseline test on file. There is a link to do baseline tests at home this year. MMS athletes require a new Impact test each year. MHS Athletes require a test their 9th and 11th grade years or if they have not had one in two years or have never had one.
The instructions for doing the impact test are at the following link. fc/edit?usp=sharing
All athletes at MMS and MHS must have current physicals on file with our school nurse. Physicals are good for 2 years. All who have registered as of today have been contacted if a physical is needed.
MMS Nurse- Jennifer Dorr.
MHS Nurse- Nancy Sobanik.