RSU 57 Activities Announcements 5-13-22
Saturday May 14th
SMAA Boys Doubles Tournament @ Payson Park 10am
MHS JV softball vs Scarborough 10am
MHS FT Baseball vs Portland 10am
MHS V and JV Baseball at Portland JV 10am Deering Oakes V 12pm Hadlock Field
MHS Boys Lacrosse @ Lake Region 11am
Monday May 16th
MMS Boys Lacrosse vs Bonny Eagle Home 3:30pm
MHS JV and V Girls Lacrosse vs Marshwood 4:15 V / 6pm JV
MHS Softball @ Westbrook (No JV) 4pm
MMS 8th Grade BB / SB vs Biddeford @ MHS (Varsity Fields) 4pm
MHS FT Baseball Home vs Biddeford (JV Field) 4:30pm
Tuesday May 17th
MHS Track and Field Home vs Noble / Cheverus 3:45 Field / 4pm Run
MMS Track and Field @ Noble 3:45pm
MMS 7th Grade BB / SB vs Noble 3:30pm
MHS Jv and V Baseball @ Biddeford (St Louis) 4:30pm
Wednesday May 18th
MHS Boys Lacrosse Home vs Noble 4:30 V Turf / 6pm JV Grass
MHS Girls Lax Home vs Gorham 4:15pm JV Grass / 6pm V Turf
MHS JV and V Softball Home vs TA 4pm
Thursday May 19th
MHS Boys Tennis at South Portland 3:45pm
MHS Girls Tennis Home vs South Portland (UNE) 3:45pm
MMS Girls and Boys Lacrosse @ Falmouth 3:30pm
7th grade BB / SB @ TA 3:45pm
MHS Jv and V Baseball Home vs Marshwood 4pm
Friday May 20th
MHS Boys Lacrosse @ Marshwood 4pm V / 5:45pm JV
MHS JV and V Softball @ Biddeford (Rotary / Doran) 4:30pm
MMS 8th Grade BB / SB @ Wells 3:30pm
Saturday May 21st
MHS V and JV Girls Lacrosse vs Biddeford V 10am / JV 11:30am
MHS JV and V Baseball Home vs Deering 10am
Fall Sports Informational ZOOM
On Monday 6-13 there will be an informational ZOOM meeting for all students interested in a fall sport at MHS. All students interested should attend with a parent or guardian. This will be an opportunity to learn about our schedules, meet our staff, discover summer opportunities and review the expectations for teh high school student athlete. Please join us this evening and get excited for the fall!!
Register to play spring sports at MHS / MMS
Below is the information needed to register and become eligible to participate!
Spring Season Registrations Link!
REVTRAK is open for Spring Sports Registrations at MHS and MMS. The link to sign up is Please use a laptop or desk top to sign up as phones or IPads are not reliable to complete the process.
IMPACT TESTS- Concussion Baseline
All incoming 9th grade students for school year 21-22 must have a new impact test completed for fall sports upon entering high school.
All athletes must have a current Impact Baseline test on file. There is a link to do baseline tests at home this year. MMS athletes require a new Impact test each year. MHS Athletes require a test their 9th and 11th grade years or if they have not had one in two years or have never had one.
The instructions for doing the impact test are at the following link. fc/edit?usp=sharing
All athletes at MMS and MHS must have current physicals on file with our school nurse. Physicals are good for 2 years. All who have registered as of today have been contacted if a physical is needed.
MMS Nurse- Jennifer Dorr.
MHS Nurse- Nancy Sobanik.
Important Dates
ERD- May 4th, May 25th, June 9th
April Break- 4/15 - 4/24
Prom- May 7th
Mothers Day- May 8th
Senior Class Trip- June 5th
Senior Awards Night- June 8th
Graduation- June 9th
PG- June 9 / 10
Post Season- TBD (No Bulletin)
Spring 2022 SAT Dates (May 7th / June 4th)