Activities Announcements 12-2-22
MHS / MMS Events this week
Saturday 12-3
MHS Wrestling @ Oxford Hills Tournament 9:00am
MHS Girls Basketball @ Falmouth Tournament 9:00am
Girls Ice Hockey vs Brewer / Bangor @ USM 6:30
Monday 12-5
7th Boys and Girls Basketball vs TAMS 3:45pm
Wednesday 12-7
Girls Ice Hockey vs Lewiston @ USM 8:30
Thursday 12-8
8th Boys and Girls Basketball @ Saco 3:45pm
Friday 12-9
MHS Boys Basketball @ Thornton Academy 4pm FT / 5:30 JV / 7pm V
MHS Girls Basketball vs Thornton Academy Varsity Only 6:30pm
MHS Drama Fall Production (MHS Auditorium) 6pm
Saturday 12-10
MHS Wrestling @ York Sullivan Duals 9:30am
MHS / SHS Swim @ Yarmouth (Greely HS) 4:00pm
Girls Ice Hockey vs Cape Elizabeth (USM) 8:30pm
MHS Drama Fall Production (MHS Auditorium) 6pm
Winter Sports Registrations are still open!!!
WINTER 2022 Season Registrations Link!
REVTRAK is open for Winter Sports Registrations at MHS and MMS. The link to sign up is Please use a laptop or desk top to sign up as phones or IPads are not reliable to complete the process.
Requirements to Participate
Complete online registration (REVTRAK)
Current physical on file with our school nurse. (Good for 2 years)
Impact Testing Completed. Instructions below. (Required for all grade 9 and grade 11 students)
Academically eligible. (all 9th graders are eligible) Grade 10-12 students must be fully enrolled and have passed all classes from last semester. (Semester 2 2021-22)
Be cleared by school nurse and athletic trainer
Be cleared by AD office
IMPACT TESTS- Concussion Baseline
All incoming 9th grade students for school year 22-23 must have a new impact test completed for fall sports upon entering high school.
All athletes must have a current Impact Baseline test on file. There is a link to do baseline tests at home this year. MMS athletes require a new Impact test each year. MHS Athletes require a test their 9th and 11th grade years or if they have not had one in two years or have never had one.
The instructions for doing the impact test are at the following link.
All athletes at MMS and MHS must have current physicals on file with our school nurse. Physicals are good for 2 years. All who have registered as of today have been contacted if a physical is needed.
MMS Nurse- Jennifer Dorr.
MHS Nurse- Nancy Sobanik.
MHS Winter Sports (Start Date 11-21-22)
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball
Boys and Girls Indoor Track and Field
Boys and Girls Swimming
Winter Cheering
Boys Ice Hockey (CO-OP)
Girls Ice Hockey (CO-OP)
Unified Basketball
Upcoming RSU 57 Activity Events
Sunday December 4th NHS Ugly Sweater 5k
December 6th- MMS Choir Concert
December 15th MMS Band Concert
December 20th- MHS Choir and Band Concert