Hello MHS Community - please use the link below to review a letter regarding a Hold in Place this morning on the MHS campus: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q8vJElmd0vzaMgmvjs3LwXKuku2GXWcY/edit
3 months ago, Massabesic High School
MHS sophomores Connor Remillard and Brielle Densmore along with MHS junior, Walker Vivian, received an all-expenses-paid trip to Valley Forge, PA, for the 2024 Spirit of America Youth Leadership Conference. Each student wrote an essay that advanced from regionals to win the "National Americanism Contest". The conference took place from November 7th to 10th, 2024 and was sponsored by the AMVETS and the AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary. Brielle was unable to go this year as she had a previously scheduled commitment. Connor attended the conference and gave a speech at Independence Hall (pictured), and Walker returned to the conference for his second year in a leadership role as a student ambassador (pictured here at Benjamin Franklin's gravesite). Photos courtesy of Christa Remillard and Walker Vivian.
3 months ago, Katherine Dupuis
Walker Vivian
Connor Remillard
liberty bell
It is with great excitement and pride that we announce the recipients of the Model Mustang Staff Award for the month of October! This award is a tribute to those outstanding individuals who embody the qualities of a true “Model Mustang”; they inspire, lead, foster positivity, persevere, and excel in all that they do. Each Model Mustang was nominated by colleagues who took the time to acknowledge and celebrate their coworkers’ exceptional contributions to our district. Their hard work and commitment have not gone unnoticed, and we are grateful for the positive impact they have within RSU 57! This month's raffle winner is Phil Gibson from our RSU 57 Operations department! "Phil has jumped into his new role as the Building Maintenance Coordinator with a high level of customer service, eagerness to learn and a level of care that is second to none. We are incredibly lucky to have him here!" Click the link below to view the full list of Model Mustang recipients. Congratulations, all! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vPBHmi7Zu-pyQWVZJsV4dsJqHTl8_im7KvObV79NNu4/edit?usp=sharing
3 months ago, Katherine Dupuis
This month for our Harvest of the Month, we did a "DISTRICT WIDE " presentation! Instead of being in one school with our HotM recipe demo, we sent it out district wide and ALL 7 SCHOOLS got to try our Garlic Parmesan Maine Broccoli recipe at some point this month during their lunch time (*check school lunch menus to see when it was served)! Click the link below to view the slideshow presentation given to students! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPzSGo_r3Fo
3 months ago, Katherine Dupuis
Hello Mustang Nation - please us the link below to access the Student & Family Newsletter for the week of 11.18.24 - 11.22.24: https://secure.smore.com/n/z4nsv
3 months ago, Massabesic High School
High School December Menus
3 months ago, Elisha Thun
Good evening Mustang Nation! You can view the latest edition of the RSU 57 Community Newsletter by following the link below. Thank you! https://secure.smore.com/n/3nwsc
3 months ago, Katherine Dupuis
Hello Mustang Nation - All Veterans are welcome to be our featured guests at the MHS Veterans Celebration Ceremony hosted by our very own NJROTC Unit. If you know a veteran please pass this information along! Honored guests can RSVP to Mrs. Liane Renaud at the main office by calling 207-247-3141 or by email: lianerenaud@rsu57.org
3 months ago, Massabesic High School
MHS Veterans Celebration Ceremony
Hello MHS Community - please use the link below for information regarding a Hold In Place event that took place this afternoon: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m_wbexB4nbSIQoC1awFi_w-Ojm7s_YW2/edit
3 months ago, Massabesic High School
Hello Mustang Nation - please use the link below to access the Student & Family Newsletter for the week of 11.11.24 - 11.05.24: https://secure.smore.com/n/vk1xb
3 months ago, Massabesic High School
Check out the latest edition of the Reporter, which features Massabesic Adult and Community Education's Eleanor Chow as the Maine Adult Education's Student Advisor of the Year! Also featured is a breakdown of the incredible Massabesic Mustang's win in football against the Gorham Rams on November 1. Click the link below to view the full article! https://www.waterbororeporter.com/IMAGES_reporter/REP_11-7-24.pdf
3 months ago, Katherine Dupuis
cover of the reporter
Spots are still available for this month's Driver Education class offered through Massabesic Adult and Community Education! Sign up today by clicking the link below. https://massabesic.coursestorm.com/category/driver-education
3 months ago, Katherine Dupuis
classes run november 18 to december 16, monday-thrusday from 2pm to 4pm at the massabesic high school east building
Hello Mustang Nation - please use the link below to access the Student & Family Newsletter for the week of 11.04.24 - 11.08.24: https://secure.smore.com/n/ja2ub
3 months ago, Massabesic High School
Hello MHS School Community, Please use the link below to access a brief letter addressing our Hold in Place on Wednesday, October 30, 2024: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l3qVDMFw-tiDspRgIlHrD4tFSiYzmUm6/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=111800958620378406692&rtpof=true&sd=true
3 months ago, Massabesic High School
Students from Line Elementary and MHS East enjoyed a virtual presentation last week that featured our Harvest of Month; Apples! They were able to learn fun and nutritional facts regarding locally grown Maine apples, as well as sample a delicious apple crisp made directly in their school kitchens.
3 months ago, Katherine Dupuis
collage featuring facts about apples and photos of student's enjoying their apple crisp!
Ms. Wakefield, our district Outreach Coordinator is bring an Outreach Pop-Up Table to MHS on the first of Friday of each month to hand out a random assortment of items available from her department. First come, first serve - check it out!
3 months ago, Massabesic High School
Outreach Pop Up Table
CONGRATULATIONS are in order for the Sanford/MHS Marching Band who scored a Gold Medal this weekend at the State Finals! It was one of their highest scores in recent years, and we’re very proud of the show they performed! Our students put forth their best effort and showed that Massabesic students work hard and sound great! We had 13 students perform and lead in the group: Ian Tassinari, soloist Coral Lopez, soloist Daysha Watson, Drumline Section Leader and soloist Evan Caron, soloist Louisa Teasenfitz Kylie Francis, Brass Section Leader and soloist Nathan Valverde Hannah Dearborn, Color Guard Captain and soloist Breanna Chaplin Reid Harris Ryan Lee Logan Brunton Zane Pisani
3 months ago, Massabesic High School
Hello Mustang Nation - please use the link below to access the Student & Family Newsletter for the week of 10.28.24 - 11.01.24: https://secure.smore.com/n/4wtgp
3 months ago, Massabesic High School
The Class of 2025 is hosting an exciting fundraiser onTODAY (October 26th) called the Senior Scare from 6pm-10pm. MHS's hallways will become a full fledged haunted house where seniors will be the scare actors!! Admission is $10, the recommended age is 11+, and food and refreshments will also be sold outside. The entrance to the haunted house will be through the first door (closest to West Rd) in the bus parking lot. No costumes or masks allowed. NO flash lights (including on phones) are allowed and please NO food or drink in the haunted house!! If you’re up for a good scare and want to support the senior class, come on down this Saturday 6pm-10pm!!! We can’t wait to scare you…
3 months ago, Massabesic High School
Senior Scare!
High School November Menus
4 months ago, Elisha Thun