The RSU #57 School Board invites you to the annual district budget meeting as well as a public hearing on a Maine School Revolving Renovation Fund to be held at Massabesic Middle School on Monday, May 15. Registration will be held starting at 6:15PM in the event entrance lobby adjacent to the cafeteria of the middle school and the meeting will start at 7:00PM. We hope to see you on Monday evening.
We hope to see you at Seussical Jr!
Today we celebrate our district's school nutrition professionals, serving more than 3,200 meals each day! Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the students and staff of RSU 57!!
Come support Massabesic Arts and see the wonderful MMS spring musical, Seussical Jr!
Click on the link for the latest edition of the MMS Family Newsletter!
Embedded in this month's newsletter, you will find a link to support our 8th grade KidWind team that is headed to the Nationals in Colorado next month! Consider a donation to help support this hardworking team of 8th graders in representing RSU57 at a National competition!
Massabesic Middle School May Menus!
Today at lunch MMS students were offered poutine featuring cheddar cheese curds from Maine's own Pineland Farm!
Hello RSU#57 Families. You can find the latest edition of the RSU #57 Community Newsletter by clicking the attached link. Have a fabulous evening!
Students at Massabesic Middle School had the option to try fresh made tzatziki dip or hummus during lunch! Each sample was served with fresh veggies and whole grain flatbread or pretzels. Tzatziki is easy to make and is a high protein/low calorie option for dipping veggies!
Congratulations to the MMS Concert Choir and Director Benjamin Holbrook on a fantastic performance last night!
Massabesic Middle School April Menus!
Congratulations to MMS 7th grader Julia Bryant who made it all the way to the final five remaining spellers at the Maine State Spelling Bee at Bowdoin College this weekend. We are very proud of you, Julia!
Yesterday MMS sent our top 6 KidWind Challenge teams to the State competition held at Ocean's Gateway in Portland. They represented RSU57 well and we are so proud of all who participated! MMS took home two of the top three spots and one of our teams had the highest output of all wind turbines at the competition! Well done to our eighth grade students and our eighth grade science teachers!
Enjoy the photos and check out this link to see some of our students on the news!
In celebration of National Music in Our Schools month, 271 students performed in the District Band concert at Massabesic Middle School yesterday evening; composed of 130 fifth graders graders, 105 middle schoolers, and 36 high school students. A special performance of “Star Wars (Main Title)” was conducted by MHS Senior Dex Tremblay. The event was tremendously attended by over 1,000 staff, parents, community members, and RSU #57 building administrators. Thank you to our wonderful RSU #57 Band Directors: Ms. Victoria Guiliani (Elementary), Mr. Daniel Laciano (MMS), and Mr. Drew Halpin-Desmarais (MHS) for coordinating this event. We are so proud of our impressive instrumental musicians, dedicated RSU #57 staff, and the immense showing of support from Mustang Nation! You can watch the finale performance of the entire band using the link below.
This is a reminder that the RSU #57 Finance Committee of the School Board invites you to a review session of the preliminary fiscal 2023-2024 budget to be held in-person on Monday March 20th beginning at 6:30 pm in the Massabesic High School Auditorium. We hope to see you there.
FROM RSU#57: The RSU #57 Finance Committee of the School Board invites you to a review session of the preliminary fiscal 2023-2024 budget to be held on Monday March 20th beginning at 6:30 pm in the Massabesic High School Auditorium. During this session we will review the budget process as well as provide an update on the preliminary budget. At the end of the session there will be time for the public to provide input and also ask questions. We hope to see you on Monday.
Hello RSU #57 Community. You can find the latest edition of the RSU #57 Community Newsletter by clicking the attached link. Have a great evening!
Click on the link to access the latest edition of the Massabesic Middle School Family Newsletter!
March Menus!
MMS celebrated (with silliness and fun!) the end of last week's YCSP food drive. We are excited to announce that we collected a grand total of 6,870 items! Incredible!
We could not have done this without the generous support of our community. Our wholehearted thanks go to our MMS families, the Waterboro Eagles, and Hannaford for their contributions. Our thanks also to Mrs. Miller and our Student Council for coordinating the event.
Zoom in to see 40+ staff members covered in Silly String and whipped cream!