Middle School March Menus

Hello Mustang Nation! Click the link below to view the latest edition of the RSU 57 Community Newsletter! Have a safe and warm weekend. https://secure.smore.com/n/vzr8x

It's Pal-entine Week next week!

Click on the link to access the January edition of the MMS Family Newsletter!

Middle School February Menus

It is with great excitement and pride that we announce the recipients of the Model Mustang Staff Award for the month of December! This award is a tribute to those outstanding individuals who embody the qualities of a true “Model Mustang”; they inspire, lead, foster positivity, persevere, and excel in all that they do. Each Model Mustang was nominated by colleagues who took the time to acknowledge and celebrate their coworkers’ exceptional contributions to our district. Their hard work and commitment have not gone unnoticed, and we are grateful for the positive impact they have within RSU 57! This month's raffle winner is Sean Falasca from our RSU 57 Special Services department!
"Sean knows his students and is always ready to give suggestions to help with their success as well as our classroom struggles."
Click the link below to view the full list of Model Mustang Award recipients. Congratulations to all of this month's Model Mustangs!

Hello Mustang Nation! You can view the latest edition of the RSU 57 Community Newsletter by clicking the link below. Have a wonderful evening. https://secure.smore.com/n/ncvb3g

MMS welcomed educators from USM's Osher Map Library today for a Wabanaki studies activity with our 7th grade students. Thank you to Mrs. Stacy, Mrs. Chase, and Mr. Gillespie for making this opportunity happen!

Congratulations to MMS Spelling Bee champion Lily Nielsen (right) and alternate Howard Conklin (left)! Lily and Howard will represent MMS at the York County Spelling Bee next month. We are proud of you!

Good evening RSU 57 Community! Click the link below to view the latest edition of the Community Newsletter from Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Stephen Marquis. Have a safe and happy holiday break! https://secure.smore.com/n/qm0a9

MMS had an amazing Winter Spirit Week - dress up days, a hallway decorating competition, a choral concert, Missing Mustang treasure hunt, and a culminating staff vs. students dodgeball game. Thank you to the many people who made it all happen!
Happy Holidays from MMS!

Click the link to access the December edition of the MMS Family Newsletter!

Middle School January Menus.

Hello Mustang Nation! Check out all of the exciting things happening in RSU 57 in the latest Community Newsletter by clicking the link below! Have a wonderful evening. https://secure.smore.com/n/j9qk1d

Good evening Mustang Nation! Click the link below to view the latest RSU 57 Community Newsletter from Superintendent of Schools Dr. Stephen Marquis. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! https://secure.smore.com/n/9ne1m

Seventh-graders at Massabesic Middle School recently showcased their research and debate skills in an interdisciplinary project on renewable energy. Guided by their Interdisciplinary Studies teachers, Michelle Turner and Bailey Daigle, students explored sustainable energy solutions that could power their school, such as solar panels, wind turbines, geothermal energy, and biomass. This project is part of the new Interdisciplinary Studies program at MMS inspired by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, where teachers have transitioned from traditional subjects to leading student-centered, inquiry-based learning. The debates, judged by Maine DOE’s Glenn Cummings and ReVision Energy’s Phil Coupe, highlighted the students’ innovative thinking and research. Read more about the event by clicking the link below! https://mainedoenews.net/2024/11/25/massabesic-middle-school-students-focus-on-renewable-energy-through-interdisciplinary-class/

MMS is hosting a Holiday Scholastic Book Fair from December 8th- 13th! Questions or willing to volunteer? Contact ruthmiller@rsu57.org

It is with great excitement and pride that we announce the recipients of the Model Mustang Staff Award for the month of October! This award is a tribute to those outstanding individuals who embody the qualities of a true “Model Mustang”; they inspire, lead, foster positivity, persevere, and excel in all that they do. Each Model Mustang was nominated by colleagues who took the time to acknowledge and celebrate their coworkers’ exceptional contributions to our district. Their hard work and commitment have not gone unnoticed, and we are grateful for the positive impact they have within RSU 57! This month's raffle winner is Phil Gibson from our RSU 57 Operations department!
"Phil has jumped into his new role as the Building Maintenance Coordinator with a high level of customer service, eagerness to learn and a level of care that is second to none. We are incredibly lucky to have him here!"
Click the link below to view the full list of Model Mustang recipients. Congratulations, all!

This month for our Harvest of the Month, we did a "DISTRICT WIDE " presentation! Instead of being in one school with our HotM recipe demo, we sent it out district wide and ALL 7 SCHOOLS got to try our Garlic Parmesan Maine Broccoli recipe at some point this month during their lunch time (*check school lunch menus to see when it was served)! Click the link below to view the slideshow presentation given to students! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPzSGo_r3Fo