MMS Spring conferences will be on March 25th on Zoom. Families, please check your email for a sign up link from your child's homeroom teacher, and reach out to them if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you then!
almost 4 years ago, Kelly Grantham
Massabesic High School Athletic Announcements- Friday 2-25 SPRING SPORTS REGISTRATIONS We are currently awaiting an announcement from the Maine Principals Association regarding guidelines for High School Spring Sports Seasons. Due to meetings planned at the MPA next week we are expecting to have these guidelines by Friday. If the traditional timelines remain in place MHS Baseball and Softball pitchers and catchers will begin practices on Monday March 22nd with the remaining High School sports will begin the following Monday March 29th. The start date for middle school spring sports would be Monday April 5th. Moving forward with spring sports for the middle school is being considered and in order to make informed decisions and make logistical plans it would be helpful, at both schools, to understand the number of students participating. In anticipation of approval to move forward with a spring sports seasons REVTRAK will open for registrations on Friday March 5th. We strongly encourage all students interested in participating to get registered immediately. The information will be critical in making decisions particularly for middle school programming. Please register as soon as you can to help us with this process. Congratulations to MHS Boys and Girls Varsity Basketball Congratulations to the Boys and Girls Varsity basketball teams who completed sweeps of Sanford for Girls and Marshwood for boys this week. Athletic Events Monday 3-1 to Saturday 3-6 Monday 3-1 Swim Practice Sanford YMCA 2pm. Bus departs 1:35pm Cheering Practice- MHS back gym 2pm Indoor Track Practice- MHS Gym / Outside 2pm Volleyball Practice MMS 3-5pm. Bus departs MHS at 2:45pm Boys Basketball Practice MMS Gym. 5:30 – 6:30 JV / 6:30pm-8:30pm Girls Basketball Practice MHS Gym 5-7pm Tuesday 3-2 Swim Practice Sanford YMCA 2pm. Bus departs 1:35pm Cheering Practice- MHS back gym 2pm Indoor Track Practice- MHS Gym / Outside 2pm Volleyball Practice MMS 3-5pm. Bus departs MHS at 2:45pm Boys Basketball Practice MMS Gym. 5:30 – 6:30 JV / 6:30pm-8:30pm Girls Basketball Practice MHS Gym 5-7pm Girls Ice Hockey @ Mt Ararat- Lewiston Collisee. 8:30pm BOOM Ice Hockey vs South Portland @ Biddeford Ice Arena. 9:10pm Livestream- Wednesday 3-3 No Swim Practice Cheering Practice- MHS back gym 2pm Indoor Track Practice- MHS Gym / Outside 2pm Volleyball Practice MMS 3-5pm. Bus departs MHS at 2:45pm Boys Basketball at Kennebunk. CANCELLED Girls Basketball Home vs Kennebunk. 6pm Livestream- Thursday 3-4 Swim Practice Sanford YMCA 2pm. Bus departs 1:35pm Cheering SMAA Comp Performance- MHS Main Gym 2-4pm Indoor Track Practice- MHS Gym / Outside 2pm Volleyball Practice MMS 3-5pm. Bus departs MHS at 2:45pm Boys Basketball Practice MMS Gym. 5:30 – 6:30 JV / 6:30pm-8:30pm Girls Basketball Practice MHS Gym 5-7pm Friday 3-5 Swim Practice Sanford YMCA 2pm. Bus departs 1:35pm Cheering Practice- MHS back gym 2pm Indoor Track Practice- MHS Gym / Outside 2pm Volleyball Practice MMS 3-5pm. Bus departs MHS at 2:45pm Boys Basketball Home vs NOBLE . 6pm. (Likely Varsity Only) Livestream- Girls Basketball at Kennebunk. JV 5:30pm / V 7pm. Bus 5pm Livestream- BOOM Ice Hockey vs Scarborough @ BIA. 9pm Livestream- *PLEASE REGISTER FOR SPRING SPORTS FOR ALL MMS AND MHS Athletes. Saturday 3-6 Girls Ice Hockey @ Cheverus Casco Bay Arena 7:50pm
almost 4 years ago, Brendan Scully
Massabesic High School Athletic Announcements- Friday 2-25 SPRING SPORTS REGISTRATIONS We are currently awaiting an announcement from the Maine Principals Association regarding guidelines for High School Spring Sports Seasons. Due to meetings planned at the MPA next week we are expecting to have these guidelines by Friday. If the traditional timelines remain in place MHS Baseball and Softball pitchers and catchers will begin practices on Monday March 22nd with the remaining High School sports will begin the following Monday March 29th. The start date for middle school spring sports would be Monday April 5th. Moving forward with spring sports for the middle school is being considered and in order to make informed decisions and make logistical plans it would be helpful, at both schools, to understand the number of students participating. In anticipation of approval to move forward with a spring sports seasons REVTRAK will open for registrations on Friday March 5th. We strongly encourage all students interested in participating to get registered immediately. The information will be critical in making decisions particularly for middle school programming. Please register as soon as you can to help us with this process. Congratulations to MHS Boys and Girls Varsity Basketball Congratulations to the Boys and Girls Varsity basketball teams who completed sweeps of Sanford for Girls and Marshwood for boys this week. The girls team remains undefeated at 4-0 and the boys team has moved to 2-2. This Saturday the boys JV and Varsity teams travel to Bonny Eagle. JV 11:30am / V 1pm. The livestream will be available at: Athletic Events Monday 3-1 to Saturday 3-6 Monday 3-1 Swim Practice Sanford YMCA 2pm. Bus departs 1:35pm Cheering Practice- MHS back gym 2pm Indoor Track Practice- MHS Gym / Outside 2pm Volleyball Practice MMS 3-5pm. Bus departs MHS at 2:45pm Boys Basketball Practice MMS Gym. 5:30 – 6:30 JV / 6:30pm-8:30pm Girls Basketball Practice MHS Gym 5-7pm Tuesday 3-2 Swim Practice Sanford YMCA 2pm. Bus departs 1:35pm Cheering Practice- MHS back gym 2pm Indoor Track Practice- MHS Gym / Outside 2pm Volleyball Practice MMS 3-5pm. Bus departs MHS at 2:45pm Boys Basketball Practice MMS Gym. 5:30 – 6:30 JV / 6:30pm-8:30pm Girls Basketball Practice MHS Gym 5-7pm Girls Ice Hockey @ Mt Ararat- Lewiston Collisee. 8:30pm BOOM Ice Hockey vs South Portland @ Biddeford Ice Arena. 9:10pm Livestream- Wednesday 3-3 No Swim Practice Cheering Practice- MHS back gym 2pm Indoor Track Practice- MHS Gym / Outside 2pm Volleyball Practice MMS 3-5pm. Bus departs MHS at 2:45pm Boys Basketball at Kennebunk. JV 5:30pm / V 7pm Livestream- Girls Basketball Home vs Kennebunk. 6pm Livestream- Thursday 3-4 Swim Practice Sanford YMCA 2pm. Bus departs 1:35pm Cheering SMAA Comp Performance- MHS Main Gym 2-4pm Indoor Track Practice- MHS Gym / Outside 2pm Volleyball Practice MMS 3-5pm. Bus departs MHS at 2:45pm Boys Basketball Practice MMS Gym. 5:30 – 6:30 JV / 6:30pm-8:30pm Girls Basketball Practice MHS Gym 5-7pm Friday 3-5 Swim Practice Sanford YMCA 2pm. Bus departs 1:35pm Cheering Practice- MHS back gym 2pm Indoor Track Practice- MHS Gym / Outside 2pm Volleyball Practice MMS 3-5pm. Bus departs MHS at 2:45pm Boys Basketball Home vs Kennebunk. 6pm Livestream- Girls Basketball at Kennebunk. JV 5:30pm / V 7pm. Bus 5pm Livestream- BOOM Ice Hockey vs Scarborough @ BIA. 9pm Livestream- *PLEASE REGISTER FOR SPRING SPORTS FOR ALL MMS AND MHS Athletes. Saturday 3-6 Girls Ice Hockey @ Cheverus Casco Bay Arena 7:50pm
almost 4 years ago, Brendan Scully
Free daily meal pick up available for all children! Segment IV remote learners, homeschool students and any child 18 and under! Sign up today for segment IV with the link below. Please contact the School Nutrition Department with any questions (207)247-3221 x 2257 or
about 4 years ago, Vanessa Richardson
Free  Meals
Happy New Year! January menus are now available on the district website! Menu> Documents> Food Service Menus
about 4 years ago, Vanessa Richardson
Nutrition Staff at Massabesic Middle School have prepared special messages on lunch bags today. Happy Thanksgiving!
about 4 years ago, Vanessa Richardson
Happy Veterans Day to our MMS staff veterans, MMS community veterans, and to their families. Thank you for your service to our country, today and everyday. Two holiday reminders: picture day will be tomorrow and Fall Conferences on the 18th. Remember to sign up for a time with your child’s homeroom teacher if you have not done so already. Please reach out if you have any questions!
about 4 years ago, Kelly Grantham
Thank you, Veterans photo
It has been a great first day back at MMS for our in-person learners! A reminder that student drop off begins at 7:10 a.m. and today starts our new contactless curbside dismissal process for afternoon pick ups. Please see your email or pages 5-6 of the MMS Family Handbook for information. Thank you!
about 4 years ago, Kelly Grantham
Free daily meal pick up available for all children!! Segment III remote learners, homeschool students and any child 18 and under.
over 4 years ago, Vanessa Richardson
Free meal Pick Up
District Nutrition Staff at Waterboro Elementary School promoting free school meals today!
over 4 years ago, Vanessa Richardson
WES Staff
Tuesday, November 3rd is a district wide remote learning day. If you need meals for your children for this day please submit a request by November 1st with the link below.
over 4 years ago, Vanessa Richardson
November 3rd
November menus are now posted!!
over 4 years ago, Vanessa Richardson
November Menus
On October 9th the USDA announced the extension of free meals to all children 18 and under through the end of the 2020-2021 school year! Free meals consist of breakfast and lunch and must be a complete reimbursable meal in order to meet federal guidelines. Enrolled, in-person learners may receive free meals while attending school in-person. Remote learners, home schooled children, and any child 18 and under that is not of school age may pre-order meals for pick up by submitting the following form: RSU 57 highly recommends that all households continue to submit free and reduced applications for meal price benefits if you feel you may qualify. Each school district receives federal and state funding based on the percentage of students that are approved for free or reduced meal prices. Under counting those eligible for this program could harm many educational programs we rely on to serve our students. Regardless of whether your student chooses to receive school meals or not, it is critical that we properly account for all who are eligible. If you have any questions related to free meals, meal price benefit applications or remote meal pick up please contact the School Nutrition Department directly by calling (207)247-3221 x2257 or emailing
over 4 years ago, Vanessa Richardson
Free  Meals
MMS Families: Please see our October/November MMS Family Newsletter for information about our anticipated date of return to in-person school, the schedule for our upcoming NWEA testing, and more! As always, please reach out to us at 247-6121 with any questions.
over 4 years ago, Angela Scully
Happy holiday weekend! A reminder that all MMS students will continue to learn remotely until the Covid-19 outbreak has been closed, per Maine CDC. That date is TBD and at least into November. Please see the 10/5 Principals’ Letter (below) or the District Schools Updates at for detailed information.
over 4 years ago, Kelly Grantham
MMS with pink clouds in the sky.
MMS families, a reminder that we're open for device pick up until 7 p.m. tonight and from 6:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. on Friday. Your child can get acclimated to their laptop and you can get a head start on opening day paperwork. (Thank you!) Any technology questions? Email our MMS Technician, We can't wait to see your student very soon!
over 4 years ago, Kelly Grantham
MMS Families, In an abundance of caution, we have decided to send home student devices and materials to ALL students in advance of our anticipated start date. At this time, no changes have been made to the plans conveyed in Superintendent Malone's 9/7 message. Device pick up times for MMS are as follows: Wednesday, September 9th: 6:30am - 7:00pm Thursday, September 10th: 6:30am - 7:00pm Friday, September 11th: 6:30am - 12:00pm Staff will be available at the open Gym side doors #4 and #5 to assist you. As you approach the open doors, please know your child's team, wear a face covering, and observe all social distancing guidelines. We look forward to seeing your child soon!
over 4 years ago, Angela Scully
About 75% of devices for remote learners were picked up this week! We’re open at MMS until 7 pm tonight. After today, devices may be picked up at your child’s school. If you are picking up tomorrow, please call the school first.
over 4 years ago, Kevin Perkins
School remote devices
Good Morning, As I’m sure many of you are aware, the Department of Education as well as the Department of Health and Human Services responded yesterday to the Maine Principals Associations plans for Interscholastic Athletics in Maine High Schools. Additionally yesterday the guidelines for community recreation have been updated by the Maine Department of Economic and Community development. DOE and DHHS have returned the plan for restarting interscholastic athletics to the MPA and have also asked for more time for schools to reopen safely before athletic activity. As a result, we await further State agency guidance regarding all fall interscholastic activities. We fully understand the frustration many are feeling at this time and we ask that you stay positive. We will keep you updated as this situation continues to evolve. Thank you! Sincerely, Brendan Scully Activities Director RSU 57
over 4 years ago, Brendan Scully
MMS parents and students, please check your email or Synergy mail for a welcome from your team, as well as homeroom and first week information. As always, refer to the MMS Family Handbook on our website for additional details. We can’t wait to see you soon!
over 4 years ago, Kelly Grantham