...so very much! Visit tinyurl.com/We-Miss-you-MMS to see! Thank you to Ms. Landez and Mrs. Magill for organizing and creating this labor of love. #togetherapart #mustangnation #MMSrocks
almost 5 years ago, Kelly Grantham
We miss you MMS
Check out the latest issue of the Waterboro Reporter (waterbororeporter.com) for a front page article on virtual learning by MMS' own, Mr. Michael Bryant!
almost 5 years ago, Kelly Grantham
Screen grab of Waterboro Reporter article
Activities / Athletics Update- At this time there is nothing new to report in terms of the spring sports season at MHS and MMS. For now the statement from the MPA of a 4/27 return stands and I will keep everyone updated if that changes. Stay tuned for updates!
almost 5 years ago, Brendan Scully
In addition to the two open meal sites at Line Elementary and Massabesic Middle School, we will be implementing ​a ​free meal delivery​ service​ via specific bus routes​​ starting on Monday, March 23rd. These bus routes have been set up to bring food to the areas in our communities with the highest need. In order to keep the meals as safe as possible and to allow time for staff to safely prepare the meals, we will be doing two deliveries per day. One delivery in the morning for breakfast and one delivery in the afternoon for lunch. The bus routes will run Monday through Friday. Please visit the RSU 57 website or app to access the route map​ and approximate delivery times​. Students will have the option to receive breakfast and lunch each day and on Fridays they will receive two additional meals for the weekend. Our focus is to get meals closer to the students in our district that desperately need them. If your student is in need of meals and you cannot access the daily bus routes or the open meal sites please call 207-247-3221 x​2257 and we will do our very best to assist you. The meals available through our two meal sites as well as our specific area bus routes are available to all children 18 and under, free of charge. We want to be able to offer all children in our district the nutrition they need during this closure. In order to continue doing so, we do ask that only families that are in high need receive these meals. ​We will continue this service as long as our food supply and staffing needs can meet the demand.​​​
almost 5 years ago, Vanessa Richardson
Nutrition Update
almost 5 years ago, Vanessa Richardson
Students, we miss you already and will see you online tomorrow, March 18th! Check your school email and RSU57.org for details. Thank you to our entire staff for their hard work and dedication. We are tremendously grateful.
almost 5 years ago, Kelly Grantham
Teachers waving to the camera
Teachers waving
Teachers waving to the camera
From an email this morning: Dear MMS families, I hope this finds you well—in every sense of the word. It has been a busy week for everyone as circumstances continue to evolve in our state and beyond. There is an impressive amount of work that has happened across our district as we prepare to resume school virtually on Wednesday, 3/18. Our staff has risen to every challenge presented to them and, as always, I am immensely proud to be a part of our staff and community. If you need to retrieve your student's device, please call the main office (247-6121) to schedule a pick-up on Monday or Tuesday. Please also contact the office if this presents any difficulty. Be aware that district filters are not in place on home Wifi networks. We ask that you monitor your student's device as you would with any other technology, and remind them it is for learning purposes only. With that said, we would rather students connect digitally than in person right now, and we will create opportunities for them to do so while at home. Please encourage healthy habits and social distancing. Know we are here to support you and your family throughout this time. We will soon have our whole team of teachers, support staff, school counselors, and even district nurses available for virtual access. Please don't hesitate to reach out, as more information is to come through the district office. As always, we thank you for your support of our school and each other. Best, Kelly Grantham -- Kelly Grantham Principal Massabesic Middle School (207) 247-6121
almost 5 years ago, Kelly Grantham
Spectrum Signup: Spectrum is now offering free/low cost Internet service for 60 days to qualified homes. Any household that currently qualifies for free or reduced lunch and is a first time subscriber to Spectrum can complete an application at http://bit.ly/57spectrumsignup.
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Perkins
In an effort to support the children and families in our community, the RSU 57 School Nutrition Department will be offering free meals to all children ages 18 and under starting on Monday, March 16th through the duration of the school closure. Meals will be pre-packaged, grab n' go and will be available at the following locations: Line Elementary School - 818 Water Street, West Newfield, ME 04095 Massabesic Middle School - 134 Old Alfred Road, East Waterboro, ME 04030 Hours of pickup will be Monday - Friday from 7:00am - 9:00am and 11:00am - 1:00pm. Please note: This is open to ALL children, ages 18 and under from any community. To help eliminate unnecessary travel for families, children have the option to receive breakfast and lunch for each day and can take up to 3 days' worth of meals per pickup. Pickup will occur at the front doors of each location. Please remain in your car upon arrival. Staff will be present to assist you. Please know that our department is following strict sanitation guidelines to ensure the safety of our community. **If you or your family cannot access either site during the pickup hours, please contact Cathy at the School Nutrition Office at (207) 247-3221, ext. 2257. We will update this information as needed. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Vanessa Richardson
Internet Access Opportunity: Please see the news story linked below from News 13 about access to free wifi through Spectrum for families with school-age children. We will pass updates as we receive them. http://bit.ly/news13spectrum
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Perkins
Please check the News section of the website for a link to a survey to help us prepare for a possible closing due to a COVID-19 pandemic.
almost 5 years ago, RSU #57
The 2020 KidWind Challenge is underway with our 8th grade! www.kidwind.org
almost 5 years ago, Kelly Grantham
Student group hard at work
Students in the design process
Students conferring with Mr. Pope
This is a reminder that Wednesday, March 11th, is an early release day. MHS and MMS will be dismissed at 11:45am and elementary schools will be dismissed at 1:00pm.
almost 5 years ago, RSU #57 Central Office
This is a reminder that Wednesday, March 11th, is an early release day. MHS and MMS will be dismissed at 11:45am and elementary schools will be dismissed at 1:00pm.
almost 5 years ago, RSU #57 Central Office
Happy music Monday! Here are MMS students Mia, Ian, Cameron, Devenny, Kilee, Evelynn, and Samantha at the District 1 6th grade Honors Festival this weekend. Well done! A big thank you to Mr. Goad for making it happen!
almost 5 years ago, Kelly Grantham
6th grade honors band participants
Congratulations to Lydia Suhy, the first MMS student to finish the Cyber Robotics Coding Competition. As Mrs. Thorne says, “May the CODE be with you!”
almost 5 years ago, Kelly Grantham
Lydia after finishing 1st in the CRCC competition.
13th Annual Massabesic Chili Challenge!
almost 5 years ago, Vanessa Richardson
Chili Challenge
MMS boys build SeaPerch ROVs with Portsmouth engineers Nathan and Martha, plus 8-year veteran and former student, Samantha. Girls begin this Wednesday!
almost 5 years ago, Kelly Grantham
Student works on ROV build
A group demos a ROV
Sea Perch ROV build
Student building an ROV
Congratulations to our 7th grade teams on today’s amazing NASA redesign presentations! Our students showcased their STEM skills and innovative ideas to hundreds of visitors. A special thanks to our teachers, Ms. Dodge, Ms. St. Amand, Mrs. Turner, and Mrs. Thorne, for their leadership! #STEM
almost 5 years ago, Kelly Grantham
Student presenting his project
Hands-on demonstration
Fire sensor group
Science teachers
Online Kindergarten Registration for the 2020-2021 school year is now working.
almost 5 years ago, RSU 57