Hello Mustang Nation - please use the link below to access this week's Student & Family Newsletter: https://secure.smore.com/n/hj3q2
9 months ago, Massabesic High School
On May 14, 36 cadets from the RSU 57 MHS Navy JROTC embarked on an exciting field trip to South Portland, where they toured Sector Northern New England and set sail on the Cutter Thunder Bay. This memorable experience allowed the cadets who went underway to earn the prestigious Sea Cruise ribbon to proudly display on their uniforms. This inaugural visit marks the beginning of a promising partnership, paving the way for future opportunities and experiences for our cadets. We extend a special thank you to LT Pamela Manns of Sector Northern New England and LT Brian Hagerty of Cutter Thunder Bay for their invaluable partnership and dedication to our cadets.
9 months ago, Katherine Dupuis
collage of cadets and us coast guard
Hello Mustang Nation - please use the link below to access the Student & Family Newsletter for the week of 05.13.24: https://secure.smore.com/n/yug94
9 months ago, Massabesic High School
Best of luck to our Special Olympic Student-Athletes as they compete today at Noble High School - check out the video in the link below of the send off! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EQzuRrYxDX5tvPK9gDcfWfmiCbz5BKqX/view?usp=sharing
9 months ago, Massabesic High School
High School June Menus.
9 months ago, Elisha Thun
During Teacher Appreciation Week, we extend our deepest gratitude to every member of our RSU 57 staff for their tireless dedication in preparing students for success in an ever-changing world. From our passionate teachers and ed techs to our food service, maintenance and transportation staff - your efforts in classrooms and beyond empower students to navigate challenges with confidence and resilience. Thank you for your continued unwavering dedication to students within the RSU 57 community.
9 months ago, Katherine Dupuis
thank you rsu 57 staff
Hello Massabesic Community - please review the UPDATE letter from Mr. Thurlow regarding LifeFlight on campus this morning (05.07.24): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CA1VdlAdz9lr2wY-U1m_qGBs8rU6X8lI/edit
9 months ago, Massabesic High School
Hello Massabesic Community - please review the letter from Mr. Thurlow regarding LifeFlight on campus this morning (05.07.24): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ANhackTL225QTAN6BnB2M3g5PiVv71J_/edit
9 months ago, Massabesic High School
This weekend, more than 350 MHS students attended Prom 2024 and enjoyed an evening of music, photographs, dancing, and laughter. Thank you to our MHS staff volunteers and students for making the event a safe and enjoyable event for all in attendance. The Class of 2025 did a great job hosting this event and helping to provide memorable moments for all.
9 months ago, Katherine Dupuis
prom collage
prom collage
prom collage
RSU 57’s PK-7 Outreach and Attendance Coordinator Ms. Megan Wakefield was recently featured in a story on News Center Maine about the prevalence of food insecurity in York County. Collaborating with Youth Full Maine, the RSU 57 Community Closet provides low-barrier access to food and all-season clothing for students and families in need. Youth Full Maine brings food donations to our Community Closet which is available to all students and families within RSU 57. Additionally, RSU 57’s “Backpack Program” makes food accessible to students at each school or on an as-needed basis through our . To schedule a time to “shop” the closet or to learn about additional supports, please contact Ms. Wakefield via email at meganwakefield@rsu57.org. Students who are experiencing unstable housing under the McKinney-Vento Act may be eligible to receive specifically requested items such as winter gear and school supplies. To view the full News Center Maine story, please click the link below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTpQW2XVVow
9 months ago, Katherine Dupuis
Hello Mustang Nation - please use the link below to access the newsletter for the Week of 05.6.24 - 05.10.24: https://secure.smore.com/n/4gn9f
9 months ago, Massabesic High School
Today we celebrate our School Nutrition Professionals! Between preparing delicious food, adhering to strict nutrition standards, navigating student food allergies, and offering service with a smile, our School Lunch Heroes have a lot on their plate. Thank you for your hard work and commitment to the students of RSU 57!
9 months ago, Katherine Dupuis
school lunch hero day
The RSU 57 School Board invites you to the annual district budget meeting to be held at Massabesic Middle School on Tuesday May 7. Registration will be held starting at 6:15PM in the event entrance lobby adjacent to the cafeteria of the middle school and the meeting will start at 7:00PM. For additional information, please click the link below. We hope to see you there. https://www.rsu57.org/article/1577592
9 months ago, Katherine Dupuis
budget meeting
The RSU 57 District Budget Meeting will be held on Tuesday May 7, 2024 at 6:00pm at the Massabesic Middle School Cafeteria. For additional information, please follow the link below. We hope to see you there. https://www.rsu57.org/article/1577592
9 months ago, Katherine Dupuis
budget meeting
Good Afternoon. Please click the link below to view the latest edition of the RSU 57 Community Newsletter. Thank you. https://secure.smore.com/n/d3h0j
9 months ago, Katherine Dupuis
Hello Mustang Nation - please review important Prom information in the link below: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18NEtXROlQ_xm1heNBKtFQbtL443iFaAB/edit
9 months ago, Massabesic High School
Hello Mustang Nation - lease use the link below to access the Student & Family Newsletter for the week of April 29, 2024. https://www.smore.com/n/ksnw7a
10 months ago, Massabesic High School
MASSABESIC CRAFT FAIR TODAY! Be sure to check out the MHS Spring Craft Fair - over 100 vendors are set up until 3:00 pm today on the high school campus!
10 months ago, Massabesic High School
During April Break, nine RSU 57 Transportation Department staff attended the Maine Association of Pupil Transport Conference, including Director of Transportation Richie Newton. Drivers, mechanics, and directors from throughout Maine discussed topics about maintaining a safe and respectful transportation environment for students and drivers; including complacency, health and wellness, and the error chain of effect. A driving skills competition was also held, and we are proud to announce that our very own mechanic Mark Bryant placed third, and will go on to the state championship! Mark has been with RSU 57 for one and a half years and we are so grateful to have him on our team!
10 months ago, Katherine Dupuis
High School May Menus.
10 months ago, Elisha Thun