Impact testing home instructions 2021-22. All 9th and 11th grade student athletes are required to update their Impact Test.
over 3 years ago, Brendan Scully
Free meals for all children 18 and under!!
over 3 years ago, Vanessa Richardson
Summer Meals
MHS Summer Athletic Opportunities The following programs will be offering summer opportunities for athletes. Below is a list and the coaches email for contact Field Hockey- Michele Martin Moore. Girls Lacrosse- Jason Tremblay. Girls Basketball- Chris Aube. Boys Basketball- Zach Blodgett. Football- Lucas Labbe. Boys Soccer- Sarah Ouellette. Volleyball- Melissa Brandt. Baseball- Tom Crews. Activities for most teams begin next week!
over 3 years ago, Brendan Scully
over 3 years ago, Brendan Scully
almost 4 years ago, Vanessa Richardson
Today we celebrated our favorite School Lunch Hero’s! Thank you for all you do!
almost 4 years ago, Vanessa Richardson
Good morning, Beginning Monday The middle school lacrosse, softball and track teams will begin practicing 4 days per week with an option to practice on Friday.   All athletes who can make it to practice M - Th are asked to attend.   Some teams may have optional Friday practice.   MMS baseball will continue with the current schedule of practices. I am building a game schedule and that will be shared asap. If you have questions please reach out.   The activity bus is able to carry the number of students who have been using it to date but we will be unable to add to this list at this time.
almost 4 years ago, Brendan Scully
Good morning, Beginning Monday The lacrosse, softball and track teams will begin practicing 4 days per week with an option to practice on Friday.   All athletes who can make it to practice M - Th are asked to attend.   Some teams may have optional Friday practice.   MMS baseball will continue with the current schedule of practices. I am building a game schedule and that will be shared asap. If you have questions please reach out.   The activity bus is able to carry the number of students who have been using it to date but we will be unable to add to this list at this time.
almost 4 years ago, Brendan Scully
Tonight's Boys Lacrosse games have been postponed to tomorrow. The team will practice tonight at their usual time.
almost 4 years ago, Brendan Scully
Below is the MHS plan for ERD practices / rain gym schedule. We will be using this schedule tomorrow 5-5-21. There are no practices at Massabesic Middle School on Early Release Days Wednesday 5-5-21 2:15 PM JV / V Girls Lacrosse- MHS Gym 2:15 PM MHS Tennis East Gym 4:00 PM JV / V Baseball- MHS Gym 5:45 PM JV / V Softball- MHS Gym 7:30 PM JV / V Boys Lacrosse- There will be no Track and Field Practice. Tennis players and Girls Lacrosse Players needing to stay at MHS will stay in the cafeteria with Mr Scully until their practices begin.
almost 4 years ago, Brendan Scully
Below is the MHS plan for ERD practices / rain gym schedule. We will be using this schedule tomorrow 5-5-21. There are no practices at Massabesic Middle School on Early Release Days Wednesday 5-5-21 2:15 PM JV / V Girls Lacrosse- MHS Gym 4:00 PM JV / V Baseball- MHS Gym 5:45 PM JV / V Softball- MHS Gym 7:30 PM JV / V Boys Lacrosse- MHS Gym East 2:15 PM MHS Tennis
almost 4 years ago, Brendan Scully
Team Sabattus had a fantastic visit today with poet Amanda Dettman, formerly of the Visiting Room in Portland. We heard a performance and even wrote an interactive poem! "Never stop writing and creating!" A huge thank you to Ms. Dettman and to Mrs. Miller for organizing!
almost 4 years ago, Kelly Grantham
Poet Amanda Dettmann visits with Team Sabattus on Zoom
What's for lunch today? Elementary and middle school students had a choice of a BBQ pulled pork sub on a whole grain French bread roll, or whole grain wheat thin crackers, low-fat cheddar cheese and pepperoni slices (a student favorite!!) Each entree comes with a fresh made side salad (romaine, spring mix, tomatoes and cucumbers) and choice of low-fat chocolate or white milk! High school students enjoyed a main entree of Mexican seasoned beef, with whole grain tortilla chips, cheese, sour cream and salsa with a fresh made side salad (romaine, spring mix, tomatoes and cucumbers) and choice of low-fat chocolate or white milk! School Lunch Hero Day is next Friday and we want to thank all of our hard working nutrition staff for providing such healthy, nutritious meals to the students of RSU 57!!
almost 4 years ago, Vanessa Richardson
MHS Main Entree
WES Alternate Entree
WES Main Entree
Practices today at Massabesic Middle School are cancelled. There will be no activity bus today. Thank you.
almost 4 years ago, Brendan Scully
Students in Mrs. Lestage's 8th grade math class played "Math Libs" today to review for an upcoming assessment. They solved a series of problems relating to surface area and volume and, with each problem solved, they earned a "Math Lib" clue. Who knew that Mrs. Grantham had such fancy friends!
almost 4 years ago, Angela Scully
Student solving for volume and surface area
student problem solving for surface area/volume
student problem solving for surface area/volume
Math Lib featuring Mrs. Grantham
Join us in our MMS garden journey! #mmsgrow1give1
almost 4 years ago, Kelly Grantham
garden project information
student watering plants
student with plant cups
Free breakfast & lunch pick up available daily for all children! Segment V remote learners, homeschool students and any child 18 and under! Sign up today for segment V with the link below. Please contact the School Nutrition Department with any questions (207)247-3221 x 2257 or
almost 4 years ago, Vanessa Richardson
Free  Meals
Due to a staffing issue at Massabesic Middle School we will have to delay the start of Middle school baseball for both 7th and 8th grade until Monday April 12th. We apologize for the delay and short notice.
almost 4 years ago, Brendan Scully
MMS Trimester 2 report cards are viewable on ParentVUE, so please reach out if you have any questions. Don't forget that MMS Spring conferences are after school on Thursday, 3/25. Sign up with your child's homeroom teacher. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Kelly Grantham
Support our community by shopping at Waterboro Hannaford! Now through May 29th, choose to participate in Hannaford Helps and drop your earned School Dollars in the Massabesic Middle School tower (or shop online!). MMS will then donate all dollars earned to the York County Shelter Program! See here for more information: Thank you, as always for your support of our school and community!
almost 4 years ago, Kelly Grantham
Description of Hannaford Helps: earn dollars and donate to MMS